Mel Christopher Magboo, MD

I was introduced to CrossFit in March 2007.  I consciously chose this path of discipline, perseverance and hard work to achieve optimal fitness and success.  Since then, I have continued to successfully challenge myself to step into the realm of the unknown.  One of them is the sport of Ultra distance running.  As a physician and a Crossfitter, I am a strong advocate of functionality as it relates to quality of life and longevity. My passion is to guide and empower individuals through fitness and nutrition. My objective is for you to maximize your potential and achieve your goals in a no non-sense way.

Crossfit Certifications: Crossfit Level 1 Trainer/ Instructor Certification, Crossfit Basic Barbel Certification under the tutelage of Coach Mark Rippetoe, Crossfit Olympic Weightlifting Certification, Crossfit Endurance Certification, Crossfit Nutrition Certification and Crossfit Movement and Mobility Certification

Favorite Olympic lift: Squat cleans
Favorite WOD: 30 muscle ups for time
Favorite Hero WOD: Josh
Favorite Girl WOD:  I love all the lady WODs but I tend to favor Angie, Barbara and Cindy
Favorite quote: "There's no easy way" -- Alan Wells

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